At last, another week of school done with..... today was a 1/2 day, due to report cards so the children went home at 11:00 a.m.
Janet and I may try to get out with some friends and go to the Pacific Islands Club. Thay have a great buffet and some cool waterslides.
Checked at Blockbuster again today but "Pumpkin" is still checked out. I read some favorable stuff about it in the Chicago Reader online edition.
More thoughts on "Gangs":

My wife Janet preferred "Catch Me If You Can". She didn't care for the starkness and grimness of "Gangs Of NY".
Also, before the movie we were browsing over at Price Costco an someone was listening to a different U2 song- "Elevation".

Just started watching Woody Allen's "Curse Of The Jade Scorpion" this morning- very funny! I'm about halfway through...
I also borrowed "Barbershop" and "1941". I love how Blockbuster lets you borrow movies for a full week now! Only problem is they can't seem to keep "Pumpkin" (starring Christina Ricci) on the shelf.....

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